Friday, September 13, 2019


It astounds me that with all the "ghost investigation shows" that are on tv today, they can spend days to only capture a modicum of things that you (and UGUE) can capture in a single 2-3 hours. My God, man! what an amazing video! 4:15 ... they are rosary beads... and they should be inert (but of course they weren't) 6:34 ... slight whistle, like someone was trying to get your attention 8:40 ... same whistle? same spot? 12:20 ... simply AMAZING! 15:40 ... in your slo-mo portion, there's a very distinguishable orb... i'm not a fan of orbs, but it was close enough to the camera to see that it was not an insect 18:36 ... I have no idea what she said, but there was a woman's voice Yes indeed... 29:15 ... nothing there, then at 30:07 ... a solid shadow figure lurking behind you... could be the same one from you previous video that was lowering itself down to the "leaking tombs". Reason behind my thinking: while your camera light facing you could create your shadow... your shadow would be much larger because of the distance and would also be on the wall... this was not. It was stationary and closer to you. And the flashlight you are holding, also pointing behind you, hits the shadow but does not penetrate it and I think it was the flashlight that illuminated the figure anyway.

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